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Roy Datschewsky
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Hamburg Harburg University of Technology

Economics Engineer & DMAN Trainer

Roy Datschewsky works as a consultant, coach and trainer. Datschewsky, who has a degree in engineering economics, has worked as a project manager in various consulting companies after working in an energy supply company and industry. His professional focus was on lean management, continuous improvement process and the implementation of change projects in technical and administrative areas.
As part of his consulting services, he expanded his content portfolio to include support for transformation processes and the implementation of modern management tools in an agile and classic environment. Since 2006 he has been working as a freelance consultant, trainer and management coach across all industries. In 2017 he joined relations GmbH as a managing partner.
Şimdilerde Roy Datschewsky önceden olduğu gibi danışmanlık görevlerini üstlenmeye devam ederken, aynı zamanda yöneticiler için uygulamaya yönelik eğitimler sunuyor ve koçluk yapıyor. Odaklandığı çalışma alanları şunlardır:

  • Dönüşüm süreçlerinin tasarımı ve dönüşüm süreçlerine destek
  • Stratejik organizasyonel gelişim önlemlerinin uygulanması
  • Personel ve ekip gelişimi
  • Kontrol ve yönetim araçlarının geliştirilmesi.

Roy Datschewsky now continues to take on consulting roles as before, while also providing practical training and coaching for executives. His areas of focus are:

  • Design and support of transformation processes
  • Implementation of strategic organizational development measures
  • Staff and team development
  • Development of control and management tools.

Reference Companies: Daimler AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, STRABAG (Bau), Universität Hamburg, Deutsches Milchkontor, Dataport (IT), Deutsche Rentenversicherung.
Roy Datschewsky has been teaching in DMAN programs since 2015. In the design and implementation of training courses, he pays special attention to direct practical relevance and goal orientation. Datschewsky also has experience in Russian context. He has successfully worked with executives of Russian companies OGK-2, Transneft and Rosatom, as well as with MBA participants from IBDA RANEPA.